Nature Cabinet – Examples from Nature

Paleontology Museum
05/06/2013 - 05/07/2013

The exhibition ‘Nature’s Cabinet – Example from Nature’ held by in the Handwerkskammer (Department of Crafts), Munich demonstrates artists who take their inspiration from nature in the fields of glass, ceramic, metal, paper, jewelry and textiles. Using the Paleontology Museum in Munich’s center, an environment already filled with the curiosities of nature’s history the Handwerkskammer has juxtaposed objects of art with natural objects allowing the viewer an alternate way of seeing the two areas of study.

The opening is on the 4th of June at 6:30pm at the Paleontology Museum, Richard Wagner Str. 10, 80333 Munich.

The museum is open Mon-Thurs 8am-4pm, Fri 8am-2pm. Sat, Sun & holidays closed. * Note Sun. 9th the museum is open 8am-2pm.

For further information see

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